Caggal defte makko Binndanɗe Hiisankooje (2016) e Gannde Hiisiwe (2019) Dr Muhammadu Faalil Sih yaltinii deftere mum tatiɓere he Hiisiwal (mathématiques). Ñoggannde Silo Hiisiwo, ko noon woni tiitoonde deftere ndee, yowitii ko he hiisa caltiwa e kiɓɓiwa, so en ndeftii he konngol Ceerno Bookara Aamadu Bah, binnduɗo ngardiindi deftere nde o. Ko ɗum fannu toowɗo he nder hiisiwal janngateeɗo he duɗe jaaɓihaaɗtirde.
He oo sahaa mo laamu Muritani haɓɓitii wonnde maa wara kala ɗemɗe ngenndiije Afriknaaje ngonɗe he nder leydi Muritani ngam yiɗde jaalɗinde ɗemngal Safaroore; to leydi Senegaal laamu nana waɗa kulol e cuusol jannginde Wolof he nder duɗe laamu he dow faalkisaare ɗemɗe ngenndiije keddiiɗe ɗee, Dr Muhammadu Faalil kanum tinndinii en wonnde en potaani sabbaade he ɗiin laamuuji mgam ɓamtude Pulaar. So goonga, haysinno laamuji Afrik ɓamiino pellital jannginde e ɓamtude ɗemɗe ngenndiije Afrik ne, alaa e sago ko maa annduɓe kala leñol njaɓa sippiraneede ɗemngal mum en. Mballifoo, pira kadi egga kala fannu ganndal he ɗemngal mum en. Doktoor Hammadi Sih hollii en wonnde so pellital yantii heen, ɗuum ene gasa laataade. Sabu defte makko tati ɗee fof mbinnda ko he nder duuɓi joy. O fuɗɗii winndu deftere makko adannde ndee ko he nder sahaa mo o wonnoo e winndude deftere makko joofnirnde jaŋde (thèses de doctorat). Kono ɗuum fof e ɓittunoode e ɓilaade haɗaani-mo waɗdorde heen winndude he ɗemngal makko neeniwal, ngal ganndal patamlamiiwal, ngal hayhuude hannde waawa yahde gaa-gaa muuɗum. Sabu makko fiɓde o sellini wonnde neɗɗo waawa huɓindaande ganndal kala ko ngal waawi won’de, teeŋti noon e hiisiwal’ tawa oon tigi wonaa ene janngi ngal he neeniwal mum.
Ballifanɗe Hiisiwal patamlame ɗe Dr Muhammadu Faalil Sih waɗi he ɗemngal Pulaar, taƴii hujjaaji kala wiyatnooɓe ɗemɗe Afrik mbaawaa faggitoreede gannde toowɗe sabu ŋakkeede kelmeendi njaajndi waawndi saaktude miijooji jiɓiiɗi. Kono kadi, golle makko ɗee ene poti finndin’de kala ɓiy pullo walla ganndo Afriknaajo, kuwtortooɗo ɗemɗe koɗe ngam winndude, gaagaa ɗemɗe ngenndije Afrik, e miijtaade mbele nafoore mum en woni ko he winndude e ɗemɗe ɗo ganndal mum huwtortaake, walla ko addude tuufere mum e mahde jeytaare Afrik, nde fooɓre mum ko rimɗinde koye men e huwtoraade ɗemɗe janane ngam nehde ɓesguuji men. Sikke alaa kadi, ɗee golle makko ngaddaniimo won’de ñemtinirɗo kala sukaaɓe Afriknaaɓe, gila he yonta makko haande o haa e yontaaji keewɗi payɗi arde, kadi naatnii innde makko he daartol jeytaare Afrik, e ƴellitaare ganndal he mbaydi kuuɓtundi.
Wallifiyanke O:
Dr. Muhammadu Faalil Sih jibinaa ko ñalnde 23 Siilo (Janvier) 1990 he wuro he nder Fuuta Tooro ene wiyee Beelinaaɓe he diiwal Boosoya, walla so tawii ko to feccere njiilgu Muritani ɗo ngo jeyaa hannde ɗoo, mbiyen diiwal Gorgol. Ko ɗoon o waɗi jaŋde makko lesiire, caggal ɗuum o fayi Kayhayɗi, laamorgo diiwal gorgol o jokkoyi toon jaŋde makko hakkundeere haa o heɓi toon bakkaloreya C (fannu Hiisiwal). He 2009 o yahi farayse o jokkoyi toon jaŋde toownde to duɗal jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Cergy-Pontoise, he nder leydi frayse ɗo o janngi haa o heɓi doktaraa makko. Muhammadu Faalil walla mbiyen “Pullo Gaynaako,” innde nde o suɓanii hoore makko, woniino toon almuudo teskinɗo sabu makko won’de belɗo hakkille, baawɗo jaŋde. O heɓii toon seedanteeje moƴƴingol (mention tres-bien) he kala tolno seedanfaagu mo o waɗnoo, kadi o heɓi njeenaaje (prix) keewɗe, yeru,“prix au mérite en sciences par l’Académie de Paris.” he 2014.
Caggal ɗuum o yahi Dowlaaji Dentuɗi Amerik, ngam wonde wiɗtiyanke (Research Associate) to Duɗal Jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Wirsinya (University of Virginia) tuggude he 2018 haa 2021
Tuggdude he lewru Korse (juin) 2021 haa hannde ko o wiɗtiyake to Imperial College London.
Doktoor Muhammadu Faalil ene wiya addani ɗum winndude ganndal Hiisawal he ɗemngal Pulaar ko addii fof ko ngam yiɗnoode fennude wiyooɓe ɗemɗe Afrik mbaawaa faccirde miijooji toowɗi.
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