General Suleymani Kande, ñamluɗo moƴƴere yoɓaa bonannde.

Yimɓe heewɓe ɓe ndewindaake geɗe kooninkaagu he nder Senegaal puɗɗii meeɗde nande innde General Suleymaani Kande ko nde jaaynde Reewmi suɓiimo fiilimo “Jaalal Hitaande 2021” (l’homme de l’année 2021 ), tawi jey sabaabu ɗuum ko golle maantinɗe ɗe o waɗi ngam artirde jam he nder Kaasamaasa. O kooninke dowrowo, kolonel he ngaan tuma, gardiiɗo falnde koninkoore tonngoode 5 (commandant de la zone militaire N°5) waɗii golle patamlame to bannge worngo leydi Senegaal to woni Kaasamaasa. Denndaangal tuddule murtuɓe ɓe (kaŋuuji rebel’en), gonnooɗe worgo Maayo Kaasamasa pusaama he ngardiigu makko. Ɗuum addanii yimɓe hoɗnooɓe he ɗiin falndeeji dognooɓe, eggi mooloyii walla koɗtoyi banngeeji goɗɗi, waawde artude he nder gure mum en e nokkuuji mum en, e ruttaade he golleeji mum en.

He nder balɗe sppo tan konu Senegaal heɓti ndenndaagal tuddule murtuɓe Kaasamaasa fooɗantooɓe ceeraagu gila nde Senegaal heɓi jeytaare mum. Ɗuum woni toddule nay ɓurnooɗe teskinde gonnooɗe he juuɗe tanndalde murtuɓe jeyaaɓe he fedde (Mouvement des forces démocratiques de Casamance-MFDC), ɗeen ngoni: Bamune-Bilas, Busolum, Bajong e Sikun, bannge worngo keerol hakkunde Senegaal e Gine-Bisaaw. Konu Senegaal kadi laafiima he dow Badem, Buñak , Bagam, Ayinga, Jiloor, ekn. Wonti hankadi alaa ɗo tuddunde murtuɓe (kaŋ rebel’en) woni he nder bannge worgo Maayo Kaasamasa. Ɗuum firti alaa ɗo nokku woni hankadi he falnde Sigaacoor, Usuy, haa ni Gudumpu ɗo kooninkooɓe Senegaal mbaawaa yettaade.

Nguun poolgu patamlamu ngu hono mum meeɗaani dañeede gila nde murtuɓe ɓee ƴetti kaɓirɗe ngam huccondirde e konu Senegaal, addi ɗum ko oon Suleymaani Kande, kolonel he ngaan saanga, jooma karallagal toowngal kooninkaagu e peeje (strategies) wolde; jooma cuusal, jiɗɗo leydi mum, kono kadi ɓiyɗo Kaasamaasanaajo ngannduɗo ladde ndee e yimɓe diiwaan o.

Hitaande tan fawtii heen, Hooreejo leydi Senegaal, Makki Sal, suutimo ummaade he kolonel waɗtimo Bees (General) caggal ɗuum kadi halfinimo konuuji les (chef d’Etat-major de l’Armée de terre).

Waɗtoyeede “Attachés militaire” to New Delhi.

Ñalnde Njeslaare 29 Duujal ellee ko fettoore yani he Ndakaaru, jaayndeeji leydi ndii, e lowe humpitooje he nder geese haa memoyi laylayti-renndo, kabaaru ko gooto Bees (General) Suleymaani Kande werloyaama New Delhi, yoo wonoy ataase militeer to Ammbaasaad Senegaal gonɗo Endo.

O kabaaru bettuɗo ene ardi kadi e wiyeede kanko mawɗo kooninkooɓe les o, o wiy ko o jaɓataa ngaal pellital walla ndeen yamiroore mawɗo leydi Senegaal, Basiiru Jomay Fay, sabu he yiyannde makko, hono no jaaynde le Quotidien habriri, ngal ɗo pellital yiilii ko hoynudemo, sabu ko o rokkaa koo ene jaasi martaba makko, ko yimɓe wonɓe les martaba makko ko wayno kapiten walla kumaandaa en keewi totteede ɗum. Jaaynde ndee ɓeydi heen kadi wonnde omo anniyii wullitoyaade to ñaawirdu dowrowru Senegaal, woni Cour suprême.

Gila ndeen noon haalaaji nana mboya tan, gooto kala wesa weɗɗooro to weliri ɗum, haysinno dey jooma en haala kaa cuwaa naneede tawo.

Haajooni he nder winndannde maɓɓe yaltunde hanki Naasaande 30 Duujal, he nder lowre maɓɓe, eɓe kabra ko hooreejo jaagorɗe o, Usmaan Sonko, woni sabaabu Jomay ƴettude pellital joñoyde Bees Suleymaani Kande to koyɗe keɓata. He biyɗe lowre nde tawi kamɓe ne ɓe tuugnii ko he lowre woɗnde saaktoore kabaruuji,, wonnde ko hooreejo jaagorɗe o winndunoo ɓataake fayde he jaagorɗo kalfinaa ndeenka leydi e mawɓe dowroɓe konuuji leydi ndii kanum e senngo halfinaango gollondiral (l’Etat-major général des Armées et à la Division coopération) ngam daɓɓirde ɗum en nde ndokkatamo peeje ɗoon e nde lewru Duujal nduu maayata, he holno Senegaal waawi saatoraade piɓondire mum he ko yowitii he kooninkaagu ɗi jogondirnoo e Dowlaaji Dentuɗi, Farayse, Kanada e Angalteer. He biyɗe jaaynde ndee, hono no yoga e mawɓe koonunkooɓe ɓee, Bees Suleymani Kande salii ndeen yamiroore, o jaabtii Usmaan Sonko wonnde alaa hattan waawde firtude nanondire ɗe ngannduɗaa ko sarɗiyankooɓe batirdu ngenndi ngooti ɗum en, kadi jeyaaka e hattan mum rokkude koonunkooɓe yamiroore, ɗuum ko hattan keeroriiɗo hooreejo leydi ndi, mo ngannduɗaa kadi kanum woni mawɗo dowrowo konuuji leydi ndii. Ko ngool jaabawol, ene sikka, metti Usmaan Sonko haa yamiri Jomay yoo werloya mawɗo kooninkooɓe les o to Endo.

Sikke alaa, ɓiyɓe Senegaalnaaɓe heewɓe ene njogii mettere he kaa koyeera ka o kooninko cuusɗo kadi karallo e fannu mum, gollaniiɗo leydi mum hoynaa, kono tan ellee to bannge laawol o alaa feere wonnde so wonaa jaɓde o jebbiloo walla o dimosina golle arme ɗe. Nde tawnoo wiyaama balɗe seeɗa ko adii nde Makki Sal yahata won dekkereeji ɗi o waɗnoo, ene jeyaa heen waawde neldude officier-ji dowrowi ngam yoo ngon ataaseeji militeer he nder Ammbasaaduuji Senegaal. Ɗuum firti ko Jomay waɗi koo ene howri e kuulal, hayso tawii ni nde Basiiru Jomay ari he laamu ndee o itti yoga e dekkereeji ɗi Makki waɗnoo he ɓalɗe cakkitiiɗe he nder laamu mum ɗi, kono oo ɗoo dekkere kanum maa taw ko taaranooɗo walla tawa ko o jejjitanooɗo.



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